Mustafar is open to explore

Developer Update

Greetings to the Project SWG community!

The Galactic Travel Commission has lifted the ban on traveling to Mustafar, and is now a hotspot for travelers to visit.

Mustafar was once a lively planet that was home to a great Jedi temple, where the Jedi studied and researched the Force to learn about it’s nature and potential. Unfortunately the planet became a massive world of lava, which to this day still remains a mystery as to why.

Mustafar is now a prime spot for mining for rich resources and minerals, and also has a vast number of dig sites that are searching for relics and treasures, some of which date back to the Old Republic.

Mensix Mining Facility is a huge mining installation on Mustafar and the only place to find a Starport on the entire planet

Players are forced to travel here via shuttle if they want to visit the planet, as there is no direct travel for starships.

Mensix is the hub of activity on Mustafar. Inside the compound are all of the expected facilities of a large static city, as well as many quest NPCs (quests are not implemented atm), including Milo Mensix, the owner and manager of the facility, as well as the founder of Mensix Corporation.

Around the same time that the Neimoidians uncovered the Old Republic Cruiser, they started construction on a droid factory. This massive structure would have produced a massive quantity of their droid soldiers…if it had even been turned on. Before the Neimoidian seperatists could activate the factory, they were all murdered in the Old Klegger Mining Facility. This was the same night that the old facility itself was damaged beyond repair. The Neimoidians were serious about their security, so, even with the factory sitting empty, no one dares claim it, due to their fear of the automated security systems.

Mustafar presents a wide variety of activities, whether it’s relic hunting, to big game hunting, it is sure to bring many adventurers and thrill seekers to the hot and desolate planet. Book your shuttle flight today!

What is available ?

  • Numerous locations on the planet are filled with NPCs
  • Instances are not accessible atm. Soon we will add quick travel options to them via frog
  • Please remember that vehicles are not developed yet so you have to run all the way !
  • The enemies are “dumb” atm and do not fight back. This will change once we have basic AI. To see the upcoming features please check our NGE Roadmap
  • The enemies have loose pockets so they will not drop any items.
  • Lava will not hurt/kill you (yet)