Greetings Galaxy,
Even though our last big update was over 6 months ago, we've still had our sights set on adding more to the game whenever possible. We have now completed the addition of the Marksman profession giving you full functionality with this starter profession featuring new ranged weapon skills and guns.
A Marksman can specialize in fighting from a distance with an arsenal of Ranged Weapons such as close encounters with Pistols, medium distances with Carbines, and long ranged shots with Rifles.
These weapons of each category have their own advantages that can give the Marksman an upper hand in combat while also keeping in mind the disadvantages that come with how close a target is.

All starting players begin with the most basic of ranged abilities allowing them the use of the CDEF pistols, rifles and carbines and working through the different paths of the Marksman skill tree will progress you towards being a Master Marksman unlocking more skills and guns along the way.

While using the Ranged Weapon of your choosing you can gain slight bonuses to your accuracy depending on which Stance you are currently in, Running and Gunning in close encounters with Pistols packs a punch, while Kneeling with Carbines gives you some breathing room to pace your shots, and lying Prone with a Rifle allows you to line up your shots from a safe distance.
As you gain more experience with each weapon you will gain access to a variety of Skills by talking to Trainers or other players who have that skill who can teach you, which will further assist you in combat.

Knockdown Recovery
This ability allows you to recover immediately from being knocked down if you have enough ability points.
Aimed Shot
This ranged attack ability grants an accuracy bonus as well as an increase in damage output.
Placed Shot
This ranged attack does more damage than Ranged Shot but has a slight ability cost.
Firearm Strike
This melee attack with your ranged weapon is useful for close encounters.
This combat move allows you to give up an attack round in order to gain better accuracy on your next ranged attack.
Quick Draw
The ranged attack has a quick recharge rate.
Rapid Fire
This ranged attack has a large damage capability.
Roll Shot
A roll shot will cause you to kneel and attack at the same time, leaving you in a kneeling position.
Dive Shot
A diving shot will cause you to dive and attack at the same time, leaving you in a prone position.
Kip-up Shot
A kip-up shot will cause you to spring to your feet while attacking, leaving you in a standing position.
Overcharge Shot
This ranged attack causes a higher amount of damage while increasing the potential to cause decay to the weapon due to excess stress.
Lethal Shot
This ranged attack does more damage than Ranged Hit and Placed Shot but with higher ability costs.