Greetings Galaxy, as you may have seen in our last update we recently finished the Marksman profession and implemented those features in-game meanwhile, we have also been working on Fencer and this is now at a completed stage. Fencer is a profession that relies on fancy footwork and lightweight One-Handed blades!

A Fencer's speciality is in close-up fights making the most of the agile and precise weapons such as Swords, Knives, Gaffi sticks and of course the Stun baton allowing the Fencer to deliver swift and efficient attacks to punish their opponents.
These small but elegant weapons can be deadly against any combatants foolish enough to get within the Fencer's stabbing range while also giving the Fencer access to abilities that impair the target.
After mastering the Brawlers one handed melee weapons and unarmed skills the player can progress to the Fencer skill tree that focuses on learning and eventually mastering One-Handed weapons skills and also how to more effectively defend themselves against both melee and ranged attacks.

The Fencer gains a variety of techniques that hinder their target with different effects over time while delivering multiple quick strikes. The Fencer learns to evade upcoming attacks with a defensive stance and dodges while keeping a grasp on their posture and footwork that aids them in quicker attacks.
Binding Strike
This ranged attack reduces an opponent's Action regeneration rate.
Improved Binding Strike
This enhancement to the Binding Strike ability reduces an opponent's Action regeneration rate.
Improved Bleed Attack
This enhancement to the Bleed Attack causes additional bleeding damage to the opponent.
Advanced Bleed Attack
This enhancement to the Bleed Attack causes additional bleeding damage to the opponent.
Blind Attack
This melee attack does minimal damage but has a high chance of blinding an opponent, severely reducing their accuracy.
Improved Blind Attack
This enhancement to the Blind Attack ability has an increased chance of blinding the opponent.
Advanced Blind Attack
This enhancement to the Blind Attackability has an almost guaranteed chance to blind the opponent.
Body Hit
This melee attack causes a targeted hit to an opponent's torso and arms and has a slight accuracy penalty.
Improved Body Hit
This enhancement to the Body Hit ability reduces the amount of the accuracy penalty and increases the amount of damage the attack does.
Cripple Attack
This melee attack to an opponents legs does minimal damage but impedes their movement rate for a short time.
Improved Cripple Attack
This enhancement to the Cripple Attack ability causes a higher reduction in movement rate.
Improved Lunge
This enhancement to the Lunge ability causes more damage to the opponent.
Advanced Lunge
This enhancement to the Lunge ability extends the range of the attack and increases the amount of damage done to the opponent.
Scatter Hit
This melee attack ability distributes damage over multiple areas of the opponent.
Improved Scatter Hit
This enhancement to the Scatter Hit ability causes more damage to the opponent.
Blind Recovery
This ability allows you to recover immediately from being blinded if you have enough ability points.
Dizzy Recovery
This ability allows you to recover immediately from being dizzy if you have enough ability points.
Stun Recovery
This ability allows you to recover immediately from being stunned if you have enough ability points.