Greetings Galaxy, with the New Year just starting we decided to give a recap of what we accomplished last year, starting off with the very beginning we implimented the basic ground work for Quests which includes NPC quest conversations as well as the inclusion of Galactic Civil War Invasions that pit you against opposing Faction NPCs within designated NPC Cities which will eventually come with Faction Quests in a future update, but aside from the raging GCW we also implimented two professions into the game such as the ranged arsenal of the Marksman Profession, and the agile and deadly Fencer Profession!
We were able to accomplish these small but very significant updates within the year, and we look foward to what we are able to add to the Test Center within this New Year!
We would like to thank everyone that have followed us throughout the years as we continue to progress further towards our goals, as well as those that contributed towards reaching them and showing support in any way
possible! We appreciate everyone that checks in on us to see the progress we make and to show their support on the development of Project Star Wars Galaxies!