Greetings Galaxy, we have been on a roll with recent updates and have yet another profession addition to the game, next up is the Pikeman profession. Pikeman fends off attackers with a variety of Polearms such as Staffs, Vibro Axes and Vibro Lances.
A Pikeman excels at attacking in a wide radius with unpredicatable strength and speed that can deal lethal blows to oncoming attackers that dare come close. With attacks such as:
Area hits
Spin attacks

The Pikeman can also cause their opponents to fumble with their attacks and lose their footing which gives the Pikeman the opportunity to continue their assault.
To reach the Pikeman profession players must hone their skills in the Brawler profession with Unarmed Combat and learn how to fully utilize Two-Handed Polearms.

The Pikeman can also learn new stances that render their opponent disoriented while keeping up the offense of constant barrages and utilizing their defenses to recover from counter attacks.
Leg Hit
This melee attack causes a targeted hit to an opponent's legs and has a slight accuracy penalty.
Improved Leg Hit
This enhancement to the Leg Hit ability reduces the amount of the accuracy penalty and increases the amount of damage the attack does.
Improved Sweep Attack
This enhancement to the Sweep Attack ability increases your chance of knocking down opponents in the immediate area.
Advanced Sweep Attack
This enhancement to the Sweep Attack ability almost guarantees the chance to knock down opponents in the immediate area.
Spin Attack
This melee attack causes damage to all opponents in melee range.
Improved Spin Attack
This enhancement to the Spin Attack ability increases the amount of damage done to opponents.
This melee attack has an improved damage capability.
Improved Impale
This enhancement to the Impale ability improves the damage potential of the attack.
Stunning Blow
This melee attack does minimal damage but has a chance to stun an opponent prevent them to regenerate ability points for a short period of time.
Improved Stunning Blow
This enhancement to Stunning Blow increases the chance of stunning an opponent.
Dizzy Recovery
This ability allows you to recover immediately from being dizzy if you have enough ability points.
Blind Recovery
This ability allows you to recover immediately from being blinded if you have enough ability points.
Stun Recovery
This ability allows you to recover immediately from being stunned if you have enough ability points.
This melee ability reduces the amount of damage your opponents attacks for a short period of time.
Improved Intimidate
This enhancement to the Intimidate ability further reduces the amount of damage of your opponents attacks.
This melee ability startles the opponent making them hesitate and slow down their attacks.
Improved Warcry
This enhancement to the Warcry ability increases the amount of time that an opponent is delayed for.